Hydroelectric power plants; environmentally friendly, clean, renewable, high efficient, long life, operation costs are not dependent on very low external resources. Hydroelectric power plants (HEPP) are systems that produce electricity by converting the potential energy of water into kinetic energy. In addition to being used in energy production, it is also used as agricultural irrigation and drinking water. 

Bayındır energy, we are working for a balanced production against possible seasonal changes with projects we have developed on or in the branches of enthusiastic rivers such as Sakarya, Kızılırmak and Çoruh rivers spread across many parts of the country for hydroelectric power plant (HEPP) investments.

We aim to expand hydroelectric power plants both by developing projects and by adding them to our portfolio in Hepp investments.




Next Level Loft Ofis No:55
Çankaya / ANKARA
+90 (312) 440 01 10

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